Thursday, June 13, 2013

TPN Residential Rental Monitor Q1 2013

As a result of the shortage of residential rental stock, rental agents and landlords are in the fortunate position of being able to pick and choose only quality tenants. The current scenario is further characterised by an on-going improvement of tenants considered to be in good standing, with Q1 of 2013 strengthening to a record 84%, which includes sub-categories of 71% of tenants who Paid on Time, plus 3% paid in the Grace Period and 10% Paid Late. Pleasingly only 8% of tenants were recorded as being in the Did not Pay category while 8% made a Partial Payment.

Click here to read the full TPN Residential Rental Monitor

While TPN’s Residential Tenants in Good Standing continues to improve; TransUnion’s SA Consumer Credit Index continues to decline and the National Credit Regulator’s Credit Report rings alarm bells for unsecured lending.

TPN continues to caution landlord’s and rental agents to perform strict tenant, credit and affordability assessments and apply their credit and application process to all potential adult occupants (i.e. both spouses).

TransUnion SA Consumer Credit Index Q2 2013
The TransUnion SA Consumer Credit Index (CCI) decreased to 43.6 in Q2 2013 from a revised 43.8 in Q1 2013 (preliminary 44.4). The index is a measure of consumer credit health where 50.0 is the break-even level between improvement and deterioration. Consumer credit health has now been deteriorating for four straight quarters.

Click here to read the full TransUnion SA Consumer Credit Index Q2 2013

National Credit Regulator Consumer Credit Market Report Q4 2012

Notable extracts: unsecured credit book grew by 40.95% year-on-year; but the deterioration of the unsecured credit is a cause for concern with only 65.89% of the accounts in current; or stated differently 34.11% of the 8.5 million unsecured credit accounts are in arrears.

Tenant Profile Network

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